Finding Flow with Your Accent in Spanish

Trick Yourself into Sounding More Like a Native Speaker

When you listen to a native Spanish speaker, you notice that their words flow together seamlessly. This flow gives a feel of ease to the language that is often difficult for English speakers to imitate when learning.

In English, we are so used to separating. our. words. We tend to pause between words if we are really trying to enunciate. This is problematic when working toward a nice flowing accent in Spanish because, when learning a new language, we have a tendency to “try to enunciate” but that just turns into our English accent overbearing our Spanish and our accent sounding anglicized.

If you are an intermediate or advanced student, this concept is most likely very familiar to you! You may have been trying to work on flowing your words together in Spanish for months or years now. It is not easy to push back on that urge to enunciate.

This exercise will trick your mind into helping you flow more and avoid the English speaking habit of putting pauses between words.